The price of auto insurance has increased in the past few years. Although driving is a necessity for most, some will consider becoming uninsured in order to escape from increased insurance costs. However, there are some things that can help...
The price of auto insurance has increased in the past few years. Although driving is a necessity for most, some will consider becoming uninsured in order to escape from increased insurance costs. However, there are some things that can help...
Businesses, homes and cars damaged or vandalized in the uprisings and civil unrest after the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis will be covered by most insurance policies. With few exceptions, auto, business and homeowner insurance policies cover property damage...
Many car owners are confused by common misconceptions and unfamiliar terms. Here's how to find the best coverage (and the best price) for your vehicle. Whether you shop online or use an agent, buying an auto insurance policy is complicated....
Student loans have become one of the primary ways students and their families pay for college. Nearly two-thirds of graduates from public and private nonprofit colleges in 2018 left school with student loan debt, according to the most recent data...
A decade ago, mandatory renters insurance was so rare that landlords who tried to impose it risked losing tenants. Today it’s as much a part of the rental process as a security deposit, credit check and first month’s rent. But...
You’ve been searching for the perfect house for months. Finally, you found the one. After your offer is accepted and a small mountain of paperwork is signed, it’s yours. What are you going to do next? If you’re smart, before...
It’s easier than ever before to compare car insurance quotes and find the best deal. You can do it using’s quote comparison tool below or over the phone. But switching car insurance companies the right way is very important....
Many drivers don’t know how to compare car insurance except by looking at the price. There’s nothing wrong with comparing based on price, but you won’t get the best car insurance unless you know what you can change to make...
The coronavirus pandemic is exposing a central flaw in America’s health care system. In the early months of 2020, Americans were engaged in the perennial election-year debate over how to best reform the nation’s health care system. As usual, the...